“The Social Network,” a film directed by David Fincher with screenplay by Aaron Sorkin, is not just about the world’s youngest billionaire, Mark Zuckerberg, and his amazing journey of creating Facebook, it is also about the need for acceptance that everyone strives for. As the first scene opens, it’s the fall of 2003 at Harvard University and Mark Zuckerberg (Jesse Eisenberg) is sitting in a bar with his girlfriend (Rooney Mara) trying to explain to her his eagerness of belonging to one of Harvard University’s exclusive social clubs known as “final clubs.” Mark feels so strongly about the importance of being in one of these prestigious clubs because it is just that, prestigious. Since Mark is so intelligent and shamelessly aware of this, he comes off as pompous, conceited and egotistical. His only motive is to gain acceptance and stature. Desire for acceptance is something Mark struggles with the entire movie.
Mark’s first attempt creating a social network stems from his desire for revenge against his now ex-girlfriend. The site, called FaceMash.com, compares different girls at Harvard. Students can then vote for which one is more desirable. This site ultimately shuts down Harvard’s servers due to the incredible number of responses.
Next on the scene are the Winklevoss twins (Armie Hammer), members of the elite “final club” Porcellian, future Olympic rowers, and possessors of inherited wealth. The twins come up with an idea of a social network dominated by exclusivity, where women can find and meet Harvard men. It seems like everything Mark desires. However, he’s not gaining friends with the Winklevosses, he is gaining business partners, and he is not in a “finals club.” Mark builds on the twins’ idea and runs with it. Lawsuits arise, jealously amplifies, and the fate of the remarkable idea is jeopardized.
This movie by no means is simple. The complexity of the creation of the 500 million members of Facebook is not taken lightly by any of the partners of the creation. Mark Zuckerberg is a character that most people can relate to. His need for acceptance and social stature is in everyone. On the other hand, being the world’s youngest billionaire is not something the average person strives for. Only one could create the extraordinary social network Facebook. Even though Zuckerberg created Facebook and will always be recognized for just that, the movie portrays him as a loner fighting for a cause that alters his life forever.
Not only will followers of Facebook find this movie compelling, but even if you are not a user of the network, it is still worth the price of admission.
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