Calling All Scribes: Submit Your Poem or Story in the Mrs. Nelson’s Young Writers Contest 2013

February 21, 2013
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mrs-nelsonPeople, people, people, do you realize we have one of the finest independent bookshops in all of Southern California right here in our backyard?

These repositories of literary gold are becoming so rare that we must do everything we can to protect and preserve these treasures.

So, please visit Mrs. Nelson’s Toy and Book Shop at 1030 Bonita Ave. in La Verne. And yes, just as there really is a Santa Claus, there really is a Mrs. Nelson.

And I met with her yesterday over lunch, and she told me a great story. Here’s how it goes:

If you are between the ages of 6 and 18, you can enter the Mrs. Nelson’s Young Writers Contest 2013. But you must do so before March 15, 2013 (the Ides of March, but you knew that). You also have to be a Southern California resident.

Entries must be original work and submitted in the appropriate age group:

Group One – Ages 6 to 9

Group Two – Ages 10 to 13

Group Three – Ages 14 to 18.

With the exception of poetry, entries should be no less than two and no more than four pages of text for group one, no less than two and no more than six pages of text for group two, no less than two and no more than eight pages of text for group three, with no less than 100 words per page.

Your entry may be on any subject and in any genre including fiction, non-fiction, biography, autobiography, mystery, humor, science fiction, horror, or fantasy. You can only submit one entry.

A panel of local Southern California writers, headed by Q.L. Pearce, will be judging all works.

Winning entries will be determined by April 30, 2013.

Here’s the best part: First place in each group will receive a $50 gift certificate from Mrs. Nelson’s Toy and Book Shop. Second place winners will receive a gift certificate for $25. Third place winners will receive a gift certificate for $10. There will be five honorable mentions in each group. Prizes will be awarded at a special celebration, to be announced, at Mrs. Nelson’s. All participants are welcome to attend the party.

So, what are you waiting for? Pull out your pens, papers, tablets and computers and submit your one-of-a-kind story to:

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