La Verne was crawling with wildlife on Wednesday, May 18 as Tiger Cubs, Wolves, Bears and Webelos* took over the Roynon Elementary School for their bridging over ceremony, marking their transition to a higher scouting rank.
Overseeing the ceremonies in front of proud parents, grandparents, other family members and friends was 462 Pack Leader Chris Slocum, who called up each group before handing off duties to the individual den leaders who gave the boys their symbolic patches, pins and scarves.
After watching the boys perform one skit, a few members of the audience will probably think twice about ordering their next cup of coffee. In the skit, the first Cub Scout said the camp coffee was horrible, the second said it was awful and the third said it was dreadful. Then their leader before pouring himself a cup pulled out a drenched sock that had been stuffed inside the coffee pot, which was responsible for the foot oderous and foul-tasting brew.
Another den put their own spin on Julia Ward Howe’s Battle Hymn of the Republic, including sharing a little history how it was Howe who first suggested in 1872 that our nation celebrate Mother’s Day, recalling the horrible the thousands of sons lost to the Civil War (1861-1865).
Overall, it was a fun and festive night for Pack 462, and, of course, a memorable one for the youth in their relentless march toward manhood. Following are some outtakes from the ceremonies:
*Webelo is not a bird, but rather an acronym that stands for “We’ll Be Loyal Scouts.”
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