Hare-Raising Moment for Top Scout

September 22, 2010
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Dylan Shane Hare

Dylan Shane Hare

Dylan Shane Hare has obtained the rank of Eagle Scout.


He is a member of Boy Scout Troop 411 in La Verne, CA and is 16 years old.


Dylan exceeded the minimum requirements by completing: 39 merit badges, 95 nights of camping, service project requirements, and held various leadership positions including Den Chief, Asst. Senior Patrol Leader and Senior Patrol Leader, in which he led over eighty Boy Scouts in the Troop.


His Eagle Project included providing 100 hours of beautification work to La Verne’s Mill Park by planting trees, replacing plaques, weeding, and adding bark around many trees. He also prepared recycling bins for placement throughout the City.


In addition to his scouting experiences, Dylan is a member of the Bonita High School Tennis team and is on the honor roll, taking advancement placement and honor classes. Dylan’s future plans including continuing with scouting and college where he would like to major in engineering.

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