September Birthstone: Relight the Fire with Sapphire — by Mickey Rehm

September 15, 2010
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saphhire      Best know for every imaginable blue, Sapphire also comes in all colors except red.  A red sapphire is ruby, sapphire’s gem sibling.  These gems are both the mineral corundum, the most durable of all colored gems.


     Sapphire-in all its rainbow colors is the gem given to those born in September or to those born under the sign of Aquarius.  Those who celebrate their 5th, 7th, 10th, 45th, wedding anniversary find the brilliant blue color of Sapphire makes the perfect gift to represent the faith and steadfast commitment of their relationship.  The calming influence of blue has also made it an enduring symbol for loyalty and trust.  This is another reason many woman around the world choose Blue Sapphire for their engagement rings.


    Ancient Persians believed the earth rests on a giant sapphire.  Its reflection, they said made the sky blue.


    Many people believe that the darker the color, the more valuable the gem.  In many instances this is the case.  Sapphire is one such example where the best and most valuable color is a mid-toned hue.  In the case of Blue Sapphire, it is the vibrant “cornflower” color that is most prized.sapphire-ring


    All colors of sapphires are mined in Sri Lanka.   Kashmir and Myanmar (Burma) are known for the fine blue sapphires, highly valued by collectors for their rarity.  Recently, Madagascar has become an important source of blue, pink and other colors.  Tanzania and Kenya also produce a wide range of sapphire colors.  Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Australia and the United States also produce sapphire.


    At Micky’s Jewelry Studio, owner Mickey Rehm carries blue, pink  and yellow sapphires set in 14K, 18K and sterling silver. Stop in and be dazzled. Micky’s is located at 2210 Foothill Blvd, (909) 593-5714.



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