Military banners were presented last night at the La Verne City council meeting to a dozen families whose sons or daughters are currently serving in a branch of the U.S. armed forces. Overall, there are 223 community members now in the U.S. Military.
The program consists of two banners, one to be displayed as a street banner and the other given to the family of the service member being recognized. The cost of the program, which is solely supported by donations, has raised $33, 625.
The honorees, including their branch of service, were:
Michael Arballo, Jr. Marines
Donovan Coble, Army
Sean M. Ellingson, Army
Aaron Matthew Hunger, Air Force
Michael R. Jacobellis, Marines
Aaron M. Lee, Coast Guard
Dylan M. Ornelas, Air Force
Earle L. Rojas, Air Force
Derek Stodsdill, Navy
Peter E. Vasquez, Army
Eric J. Wagner, Marines
Louis N. Werrick, Army
After each family was called up to be recognized, a family spokesperson shared a few words about their special honoree, which heightened the emotional impact and intimacy of the ceremony. For example, Sean M. Ellingson enlisted in the Army because he had lost a brother and wanted to honor him. Michael R. Jacobellis, a baseball star at both Bonita and UC Davis who had dreamed of wearing a baseball uniform for a living, decided to don the officer’s uniform of the Marines after hearing a speech by then U.S. Senator and then Presidential candidate, John McCain, his father Mike said.
One banner that will come down, symbolizing the completion of his military service, belongs to James A. Schwartz. Speaking briefly, Schwartz thanked the audience for honoring him and then took a moment to recall a good friend who lost his life in service to his country.
Several businesses, organizations and families were also recognized for their support of the Military Banner Recognition Program. They were:
La Verne Retired Senior Volunteer Patrol
Senior Advisory Committee
The Carrera Family
The Deal Family
The Favatella Family
Andrew McKindley
Daeshik Min
The Nelson Family
The Peters Family
To start the meeting, the color guard from La Verne VFW Post 12034 presented the colors and led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance.
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