It’s Time to Make a Change

June 17, 2009
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Curl up to a good health and fitness program this summer.

Curl up to a good health and fitness program this summer.

By Canice Barbone — If you have thought about getting fit and healthy even once, it is time to start doing something about it.Ā  Sitting idle wonā€™t ever get you the body you desire, the level of fitness you desire and the health you need to have a good quality of life.

I am here to tell you that all of those things are in reach if you just get started.Ā  All it requires is making the decision to do it and sticking with it.Ā  Change is difficult.Ā  It requires many things in our ā€œcomfortableā€ lives to turn upside down.Ā  However, we only grow as human beings when we step out of our comfort zones!Ā  Doing so forces us to face things head on and learn how to adjust to those changes one at a time.
Entering into a physical fitness program is an INVESTMENT IN YOURSELF.Ā  Most Americans take better care of their cars than they do their bodies.Ā  We spend money on clothes we donā€™t need, jewelry we hardly ever wear, expensive purses to carry our stuff around in and random stuff that is actually meaningless.Ā  We scrimp and save to buy that ā€œthingā€ we HAVE to have, and in the end, are those ā€œthingsā€ going to really benefit our lives in any way?Ā  Not likely.Ā  When it comes to spending money on what will benefit our lives and what is really important, we say ā€œtrainingā€ is too expensive, or ā€œI canā€™t afford that right now.ā€

Well, I say YES you can!Ā  Your life and health should have no price tag on it, and should be far more important and valuable to you than any designer handbag or sunglasses.Ā  Keep in mind that exercise is a pro-active approach to health.Ā  Waiting until you are sick, having tests, surgeries and on pills to ā€œfixā€ your problem is too late!Ā  Being sick and having health problems is far more expensive than ANY fitness program.Ā  Take a pro-active approach to your health.

Now think about it. You probably spend $10 a day on random stuff, junk food and things that you donā€™t really need in your life.Ā  Switch your thinking for a moment and start prioritizing things in your life.Ā  Health and wellness should be at the top of your list.Ā  Without good health, the quality of our lives WILL suffer, and ultimately cost a lot more money than taking care of it will cost now.

If you are overweight, carrying belly fat, canā€™t fit into your old clothes, get out of breath easily, have a difficult time climbing stairs, have high blood pressure,Ā  high cholesterol, have diabetes, hypertension, insomnia, stress, depression, anxiety, etc., then exercise IS what you need to be doing.Ā  I canā€™t think of one handbag, one pair of jeans, any piece of jewelry or designer sunglasses that can reduce ANY of the health concerns listed above. Can you?

Most people only start a workout or exercise program because they want to lose weight for a ā€œthingā€ like a wedding, a reunion, a vacation, etc. What about for LIFE?Ā  Working out and getting in shape does not have to be an expensive venture.Ā  There are many inexpensive ways to get into shape.Ā  Join Ultimate Fitness Boot Camp for one.Ā  This is a great way to jump start you into fitness and learn what it takes to get fit and stay fit.Ā  Through UFBC you will learn exercises and routines that you can do on your own when you finish the six weeks.Ā  Yes, it will cost you a little money to join, but once you learn how to do things, you can do it on your own for FREE!

You know what needs to be done.Ā Ā  All you need to do is START.Ā  IT IS TIME TO MAKE A CHANGE!Ā Ā 

Canice Barbone is Co-owner and Director of Ultimate Fitness Boot Camps, SCBSA Fitness Center and Club Spinnergy in La Verne. She can beĀ can be reached at (909) 392-9099. Also visit “Ask the Expert” and “Fitness” to learn more about Canice and her fun, healthy approach to exercise and fitness.

One Response to “It’s Time to Make a Change”

  1. I started Canice’s bootcamp a year ago, attending 3 sessions in a row. I stopped due to scheduled business trips, and finally returned. I have never in my life felt better, mentally as well as physically. UFBC is by far the best; their program is fun, challenging and so rewarding. Thanks Canice for everything you do!

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