From left, Jennifer Tsu, Pat Lozou and Ryan Harrison are rewriting the script on how health care should be delivered.
LA VERNE, California, November 29, 2017 — Look for the next great screenplays to come not out of Hollywood, but La Verne, where biologists and gerontologists, acting more like script supervisors than clinicians, are helping college students collect amazing stories of lives well lived by some of the town’s most senior citizens.   The University […]
More Community Celebrations Stories
LA VERNE, California, October 21, 2017 — Merchants with shops in La Verne’s Heritage Plaza opened their doors and took to the sidewalks, passing out reams of candy in the first of many Halloween parades that will be celebrated in the city over the next 10 days. From Conundrum to the CVS pharmacy, kids waked […]
LA VERNE, California, September 27, 2017 — If you think residents at Hillcrest retired there just to enjoy unlimited bingo, Bible study and bridge (otherwise known as the three Bs of retirement), you have another thing coming.   At Hillcrest, the “B” at also stands for bridge-building, where Hillcrest leverages its unique assets and resources […]
LA VERNE, California, September 15, 2015 — For some reason, no doughnut chain has invaded La Verne. You will not find a Dunkinā€™ Donuts, Winchellā€™s or Krispy Kreme in sight.   Nor do we boast any trendy one-offs like The Donut Man in Glendora, or Donut Friend in Highland Park or Cofax on Fairfax in […]
Bart Rockett, Television Host, Comedian, Ventriloquist, Magician, Illusionist and Musician all rolled into one very multi-talented entertainer, headlines the final show of the Cultural Arts Society of La Verneā€™s2012-13 season.Ā  The show, scheduled for Saturday, April 13, 7 PM, at theĀ Ā  Meeting House at Hillcrest, 2705 Mountain View Drive, La Verne, is family friendly and […]
JOKES Ā  Joke No. 1: CUDDLES Iā€™m sorry if I appear a little somber on what should be a happy occasion. Earlier today, I found my pet duck Cuddles absolutely motionless in my back yard, so I rushed him over to the vet. After examining it with his stethoscope, the vet said, ā€œIā€™m sorry, but […]
La Verne author Peter Bennett presented Barbara Heavin, treasurer of of the Claremont Forumā€™s Prison Library Project, several copies of his new book, Life Lessons of a Harvard Reject, which he believes can help prisoners tear down the walls that have held back their success. Ā  Ā  Ā  ā€œWhen I heard from Barbara and other […]
Back-to-school-day on Monday, Aug. 20 in La Verne, featured a little of everything, including lots of tears, fears and cheers. But whatever the emotion, there was no denying there was big excitement in the air. Parents Marissa and Dave were beaming proudly as they sent their son and daughter Hayden and Sadie off to class […]
David & Margaret Youth and Family Services will transform the Sheraton Fairplex Conference Centerā€™s California Ballroom into the fictional Hillview High Schoolā€™s 1953 Fall Formal at its annual Notes of Love Dinner and Silent Auction on Friday, Oct. 12. Someone is trying to kill the danceā€™s chaperone, Doc Cheever ā€“ who doo-wah-doo-wah done it? The […]
A gala ā€œevening at the operaā€ with gourmet refreshments and complimentary champagne will open the much anticipated third season of the Cultural Arts Society of La Verne on Saturday, Sept. 15, at 7 p.m. at the Meeting House at Hillcrest. Ā  The highly acclaimed Repertory Opera Company promises theater-goers an experience of the some of […]