Some of the visiting students learned about a new organization that Marcos Cisneros and Micahaela Adams are seeking to start on campus.
LA VERNE, California, September 21, 2017 — Rain wasn’t the only nice surprise that landed on the University of La Verne campus on Thursday morning. A 78-person-strong contingent of high school students from Southeast Academy in Norwalk visited the University to experience a day of college life — and they certainly got their money’s worth. […]
More Education Stories
Grace Miller has a new principal with some BIG ideas. Tomeika Carter doesn’t just want to give the 467 kids on her watch an education, she wants to give them an experience.   So what better way to drive that lesson home with parents, students and staff than to have all your kids on their […]
LA VERNE, September 10, 2017 — I was heading over to cover some Pop Warner Football at Bonita, hoping that I might catch Pat Bearse leading his young troops into battle. Oops, no football. Team was away this weekend! Well, you can’t go back to the office empty-handed. What would my editor say? It reminds […]
For the fifth year, Damien High School placed on the Washington Post’s “America’s Most Challenging High Schools” list. Established in 1998, the annual ranking identifies schools that have done the best job in preparing students to take college-level courses and tests. Only 12% of the 22,000 U.S. public and private high schools made the list […]
LA VERNE, Calif., June 4, 2017 — In today’s YouTube world, the most coveted title on Bonita High School campus may no longer be high school quarterback, prom queen, or class valedictorian, but rather, staff member on “The Pawse,” a fast-paced, comedic, student-run video concluding its second memorable season.   Comprising the staff for the […]
LA VERNE, Calif., June 2, 2017 — Fellow teachers, friends and fans honored retiring Grace Miller Principal Deanne Spencer with an informal retirement party on Thursday, June 1, in one of the most fitting venues possible, the school cafeteria where the apple juice, orange juice and chocolate chip cookies were as abundant as all the crayons, […]
The Damien High School Robotics Program sent three teams to the 10th Annual VEX Robotics Competition High School World Championship at the Kentucky Exposition Center, April 19-25, and came away as one of the top 1-percent of high school programs in the world. The World Championships holds the Guinness World Record for the largest robotics […]
For many years running, Disneyland has been known as “The Happiest Place on Earth,” but that title might get some spirited push-back from Grace Miller Elementary students and parents in La Verne, where Mrs. Deanne Spencer has reigned supreme as principal since 2002. Before that eventful year, Mrs. Spencer had been a teacher at Grace […]
There’s a new education sheriff in town, and his name is Derek Bub, principal of Bonita High School. Actually, he took over in the fall of 2015 from the retiring Bob Ketterling who masterfully guided Bonita for 17 years as principal. In handing over his duties and responsibilities to Bub, Ketterling’s advice was succinct: “Here […]
Allen Yang began as a Cub Scout at the age of 10 and continued his involvement with the Boy Scouts of America without interruption. During his years as a Boy Scout, he earned 41 merit badges, went on many camping trips, participated in three summer camps, and provided service to more than 16 Eagle Scout […]