Opening of Micky’s Jewelry Studio Downtown Draws a Crowd

August 31, 2017
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Whether cutting diamonds or ribbons, Micky and her son Jon are jewelry artists.

LA VERNE, CALIFORNIA, August 31, 2017 — Yes, it’s true. Micky Rehm has abandoned the Foothill Blvd. corridor and moved into her new location in downtown La Verne at 234 D St. 

A large group of business owners, Chamber of Commerce and political officials attended the shop’s opening reception and ribbon-cutting at 5 p.m. on Wednesday, August 30.

She and her family received enough certificates and combinations welcoming her that they could completely fill her northern wall.

Her new space was once occupied by a shoe store and a jewelry store, which at one time at employed Micky, according to Mayor Don Kendrick who was one of the many city officials on hand to celebrate Micky’s downtown arrival.

Her official opening was delayed for a number of reasons, including cutting through a raft of rules and regulations to make an old building ADA compliant. But now that Micky is officially open for business, the building sparkles anew, and should prove a major new attraction for the downtown area.

As always, Micky put on a first-class reception and her guests got to eye plenty of baubles that will soon be making their way on to Christmas and holiday wish lists.

A few photos:

Matt Lyons brought best wishes from Assemblyman Chris Holden.


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