Summer’s Here: Quick Fixes ‘R’ Easy to Get Your Home in Bikini Shape

May 26, 2009
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hb1Here are six fast and inexpensive ways to get your home in selling-shape and have it ready for the summer-buying season:

Remove – Clear the clutter inside and outside the home. Scrap the refrigerator magnets, pack up the Betty Boop collection and box up the Easter ornaments you never got around to putting away. Outside, remove any debris that has stacked up over the years.

Replace – Minor cosmetics go a long way to enhance your property’s value. Replace loose or ragged window screens. Update dull and dingy light-cover switches, outlets, door handles, shower heads, faucets and drawer pulls.

Repaint – If a power washing doesn’t revive the exterior, give your home a facelift with a new paint job.

Recarpet – A new carpet never fails to give a home a fresh, new appearance at a minimal cost. If pulling up the carpet reveals quality tile or handsome wood floors, clean and refinish them.

Resurface – Resurface and re-grout countertops showing wear. Also reseed barren areas of the lawn.

Restage – Don’t decorate the house; depersonalize it so potential buyers can see themselves living in the space. Less is more; strive for a few key accents and accessories, and you “R” ready to show off your home!

Submitted by

Realtor Colleen Bennett, Dilbeck Premier Properties



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